
Agile Methodology

Agile methodology is an approach used in project management and software development. It’s all about being flexible, adaptive, and collaborative. Instead of planning out every single detail of a project at the beginning and sticking to that plan no matter what, Agile encourages teams to work in shorter cycles called sprints. During each sprint, which usually lasts a few weeks, the team focuses on a small set of tasks or features. They work together closely, often holding daily meetings to discuss progress and any challenges they’re facing. This helps everyone stay on the same page and quickly solve any problems that come up.

Explaining like you’re five

Imagine you’re building a big LEGO castle with your friends. You don’t want to wait until the very end to see the castle complete, right? Agile is like building it piece by piece, checking with your friends often to make sure everything fits and looks good. You build a part, show it to them, get their ideas, and then build more. This way, if you need to change something, it’s easy because you’re not stuck with a huge castle that’s hard to fix. Agile helps us build things step by step and make them better as we go!